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发表在  2021-1-10 23:20:21  来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 | 阅读模式
THIS IS VERY EXTREME VERY VERY EXTREME. OK so before you start reading this, it is not for the faint of heart. This is a very extreme vore story. This came off a request and I wanted to see what my limits on gore/etc were. Summed up, this is a giant that shrinks people and eats them in horrific ways
“Hell, it was hell.” I said shaking. My clothes drenched in blood, not all of it my own. A simple jacket covered my shivering body. My mind still raced with the atrocities I had witnessed but it was finally over. I could see the good samaritan on the phone, I couldn’t make out who he was speaking to. I only stared blankly at the pavement trying to drown out the noise. The bubbling hatred building up inside and I fell flat on my back. Staring at the scare I let out a primal roar. The good samaritan came to my side and tried to comfort me. Yet nothing would ease the burden of what I witnessed

It started as an average day. I was heading to classes at my university: 8am organic chemistry. Yeah, it sucked but we had to do it. Half asleep for the rest of the day I floated through my classes. I tended to excel in academics and theatre. As such I ended up working on a double major. I still couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with my life. Sports were out of the question, being a 5’2 guy I really wasn’t the strongest out there. Yet, my size didn’t really hold me back. I still made friends easily and had a pretty happy life.

By noon, I had a solid hour for lunch. I went to the cafeteria alone. Tuesdays didn’t align with my closer friends so unless I ran into somebody I ate by myself. I did a few acquaintances but didn’t feel like bothering them halfway through the meal. I pulled out a book to read while eating. After about 15min, another student tapped me on my shoulder.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked

I looked up and saw a new face. I choked up a bit, and the guy was like a grunge beefcake. He had blond hair with hints of orange, a scruffy beard/goatee combination, and was ripped. A slim muscle-tee barely covered his nipples and his ID card hung around his neck. His bulging frame filled my vision. As he waited for my reaction, I looked at his face in confusion. His eyes a bit bloodshot and a whiff of weed entered my nose. His wire-thin glasses added a bit of a nerdy look. I just couldn’t pin why he was so attractive it was a combination of many little things. I had seen him a bit in a distance and maybe once or two at parties but we didn’t have any overlap.

However, while a bit strange, I never passed up an opportunity to chat with folks.

“Yeah sure man, the name is max” I said

“Oh yeah, I saw you at the musical last semester. My name is Freddie, Fred for short” he said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you, so why you wanna chat? Need help with any classes or anything?” I asked, I tutored a lot of students in my free time. It was an easy way to make weed money.

“Naw man, I will be a bit blunt. Since the show, I've been having a bit of a crush. I figured to start some dialogue. See if we would mix at all. I got a thing for short guys, could just eat your cute body in one bite” He said revealing those pearly whites.

“Ha, I doubt I would do much in that regard. I am skin and bones man, not much to get out of this body.” I say playing along. He laughed with me and gave me a bit of a punch. It was a bit harder than I expected, I guess he didn’t know the strength of those muscles of his.

Fred and I continued to chat through the whole lunch. I don’t think he was dating material but we vibed quite well. As my next class came I had to break.

“Hey man, I gotta get to class. But I go to trivia at the downtown bar tonight. If you are free why don’t you join?” I asked him

“Sounds like fun little bro, I’ll be there” Fred said as he stood up. I couldn’t gather his true height as he was wearing platforms but he clearly was over 6’2.

“Awesome, here is my number” he put my number into his phone and texted me his. I saved it and watched him take his leave. His short pants left nothing to imagination and his thick tree-trunk legs put many a bodybuilder to shame.

“Damn what is he eating to get a body like that” I said.

The night came and we took second in trivia. It was great, Freddie was a funny dude. He had a pretty quick wit and a dirty personality. I really started vibing with him as we drank and chatted and he kept looking at me like a piece of meat. I was use to it though, being a polly pocket gay the tops were always easy to seduce. But I did have a rule not to fuck friends. It was messy. As we finished up we said our goodbyes and headed out. Freddie, myself, and a few others headed back to campus. We continued our chats as we went back to our rooms. My two other friends left and it was just Freddie and myself. I started to say goodbye but his deep voice cut me off

“Lets head back to my place” he said grabbing my shoulder

I froze as his fingers dug into my skin. His large hand held me fast.

“Uhh I can’t man, I got a lot to do tomorrow. My next lab report is due Friday and I need to get into the lab early” I tried to pull away a bit but he held me fast. His eyes barely opened as he looked at me through those glasses. He had a large, playful smile.

“This wasn’t a request little max, now let's do this easily” he said. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I panic’d and opened my mouth to scream but he was quick. Before a sound came out, his other hand was around my throat. As his large hand squeezed my neck my vision blurred. I tried to scratch and fight but he lifted me off the ground. My legs flailed in the air as my lungs struggled to breath. As the vision faded and my body went limp he leaned in.

“I can’t wait to taste that little body of yours” He said as he licked my cheek. It was then I passed out.

I awoke in a dark room. My neck was still sore, a small cot and a few cups of water sat on a plastic table. The room felt off, the table was made out of cheap plastic and moved at my touch. I had never seen anything so light. The water in the cups stuck hard to the sides that I had to suck to get it out. What was going on? But my answer soon came. My world shifted and went sideways, the cups tumbled around and I started to slide towards the roof. A pop sound echoed in my chamber and the roof was removed. Light flooded in and I fell through with a thud. As I regained my vision, I could see other people. All seemed to be as confused as I was. Various heights, muscles, and ages. A single large light shone down on us like a spotlight. The world is dark outside the beam. The floor was made of some kind of wood, I hadn’t seen a floor like this before.

As we gathered and talked we pieced our stories together. Each of us had met Fred at some point. A few had been trapped in their rooms for a few days. Clearly hungry and dehydrated from their isolation. None knew what he wanted but we all realized we were his prisoners. After some time had passed a few wanted to try and check their surroundings. I figured it wouldn’t be that easy and decided to stay put. A few ventured a bit out into the darkness. It seemed to go fine at first. But then we all heard a scream. It slowly got fainting before we heard a splat. He had fallen. We all waited, adrenaline shot through the group. Then the moans and please for help.

It was very faint but we all could hear him cry

“Help, Help.” He coughed and gagged.

“My leg and arm, oh god I can feel the bone” he said. Clearly he was in shock. I don’t know how somebody could be awake after that fall. His moans of agony pierced the silence but none of us moved to help. What if we fell. Then the world illuminated. Bright white lights appeared overhead and a heavy thudding noise was heard. Our vision adjusted to the lights and a blurred figure appeared. It was Freddie.

“What up bitches” He said. As he towered above us. His large bulge at eye level with us and his piercing gaze looking down on our tiny bodies. This had to be a dream, how did he get so big. What was happening. It was then more moans occured.

“Ahh we got an escape artist. Well lets end that” he said as he shifted his body. We couldn’t see it but we heard the man scream.

“Fred, please help. No no. Don’t step. AHHHHH” the tiny man screamed. Small pops and cracks could be heard. Freddie didn’t even look at him. He just smiled and watched our reactions of shock and horror. Slowly the man was squished. His cries turning to gurgles and then silence. Fred wasn’t done, his leg shifted has he ground the tiny man under his boot.

“The next person that tries to escape gets a worse fate.” He said
“What the fuck did you do to us” A man next to me shouted. He was in his mid 30s and had a bit of age to him.

“Can’t you see, I shrunk you. See I got a kind of power that lets me shift reality. I used it for good but that got boring fast. Now I just do what I want. And guess what, you lost the lottery tonight.” he said.

“What you can’t” but before he finished Fred moved his hand and flicked his finger at the man. The large digit slammed into the man’s head. A sickening crunch sounded as his face imploded. The finger kept going and ended up decapitating him. His severed head flying off the table as his body fell forward. Blood spurted out covered a few of us nearby. One person my age vomited at what happened. Fred then took his bloody fingered and sucked on it.

“Damn I love the taste of fear” He said as a bit of drool connected his finger to his mouth.

“Now any other complaints?” He looked down at us. After what we witnessed we just stood in silence.

“Cool, so I came up with a game.” he said as his stomach rumbled. Clearly active now that it got a taste of food.

“As you can tell, I am super hungry. But to get these gains” Fred said as he flexed a bicep

“I need a certain protein ratio. I found that you tiny humans are the best thing to eat. So welcome to my Hungry Games!” He said. The pun sucked but he really got a kick out of it.

“Rules are simple. The losers end up here” he pointed to his rock hard abs.

“One winner goes free, this isn’t a fight to the death. I got a lot of different games to play” He said with a sadistic smile.

We all stared in shock. We would have to battle each other to survive. I don’t think I have the fortitude for this. I started eying the competition. I was clearly the weakest at my size, this wasn’t going to be easy.

“Now, each round I will give you one minute to strategize. Some will be teams, some will be free-for-all. We can skip a round if one of you decides to sacrifice yourself. However, I don’t like wimps so if you do, your death will be extra painful. The first round is quite simple. Pick a fellow contestant and place them in my hand. Your minute starts now” Fred said as he pulled up a chair and placed his hand onto the table.

We all couldn’t believe what was happening but then one man said.

“Throw the skinny guy up there, aint like he can beat any of us” He said pointing at me. I saw some nods of approval. Shit, this wasn’t going to be easy

“Yeah, I agree. Buys us a bit more time to think of a way out too” another man said and more started to shake their heads. I could see the vote turning.

“No no no, that is what he wants” I said pointing back at the first man. He was a large guy, about 6’3.

“What if these games are physical. Can any of you beat him one on one? This is our only chance to eliminate a top player?” I said trying to turn it. An average sized person responded.

“It makes sense, if it comes down to a fight at the end I at least want a chance” He said.

Good the heat was falling off me. People erupted into fights, screaming and yelling. The large man ended up pissing off too many in his arguments. He clearly wasn’t used to the debate stage.

10 seconds, Fred’s voice boomed above. He clearly was enjoying this. A consensus wasn’t met yet and arguments only erupted further.

“Go” The booming voice said above.

I scrambled trying to get as far from the hand as possible. The large, loud man bolted after me. While not a fight, I was quick and able to dodge. He leaned in for a tackle and missed falling onto his face. I screamed at the others to get him since he was down. It seemed to work as two people ended up grabbing his legs. He screamed bloody murder as they slowly dragged him to the calloused hands. I was panting and looked up. Fred’s eyes carefully watched the man dragged to his hand. He licked his lips in anticipation.

The large man was lifted into the awaiting hand which quickly closed around him.

“See isn’t this fun” Fred said as he held the man to his mouth. His wet tongue probed the man’s face as he tasted the fear. The man begged for mercy but none would come.

“Oh, you are gonna make some great protein” Fred said. He reached down to our arena and lifted it. I soon recognized the shape, we were on a cutting board. We were food all along. He hummed a bit as he carried us to his cooktop. Pulling out a food processor he plopped it onto the table. As he took out ingredients he spoke.

“You know, I have tried many recipes involving tinies. Yet nothing beats the simplest” he then opened a can of chickpeas into the processor.

“In fact, most 3-4 ingredient dishes are the best.” Fred continued as his stomach growled. He smiled and looked down

“Excuse me” he said as he chopped a lemon in have and squeezed out the juices over the beans.

“This is one of my favorite dishes to make, quick, easy, and full of protein” he said as he added some tahani and fresh garlic to mix. He capped it and turned it on. The whirling blades quickly chop and liquefy the mix. Opening the slit for new ingredients, Fred held the flailing man.

“But the most important ingredient for any dish is the right amount of salt.” He then slowly added the man feet first into the processor. We all watched in terror as he inched closer to the whirling blades.

People were yelling that he shouldn’t do this. Just kill him fast this was too cruel. How evil he was. The man held his legs up to avoid the blades as long as possible. Crying for anyone, praying for somebody to save him, anything to get him out of this situation.

Fred just smiled and said “You'll be happy, you are going to become part of a god. Besides at your size, you are just food”

With that he finished lowering the man in. His foot was severed. Blood sprayed everywhere as the fast blades flung it against the walls. The man howled in agony as his shins went next. The blades bludgeoned instead of cut. Bone bent and shattered as his legs were slowly destroyed by the metal. The brownish hummus began taking on a maroon tone. I watched as the gore continued to mix into the snack. Blood leaked down his mouth and he gurgled in agony. Soon the blades bit into his pelvis. His inner organs dropped out until the intestines got caught. The long snaking tubes pulled out like shoe-string as they got caught in the blades. Somehow the man was still alive.

“Ahh that is good” Fred said letting the blades run a bit longer for consistency. He held the mutilated man by the head. Only his torso, head, and part of his arms remained. Blood dripping out by the bucketload. He was to be dead within a few minutes.

“Taste Time!” Fred said as he dipped the man into the blood hummus. He made sure to coat him in as much as possible. He quickly brought the man to his mouth and chopped down. His massive teeth shattering ribs in a loud crack. Each bite liquifies the man. Fred was a sloppy eater and made sure to show off the mastication to the rest of us. A bit of blood dripped down his lips. He quickly used his tongue to lick it off. Once the man was thoroughly chewed he stuck his tone out. All we say were bits of white intermixed with red. There was nothing left to see of a human. Fred then tilted his head back and swallowed. He patted his stomach and said.

“Damn that was good, alright time for the next game!”

There were 10 of us left. Many started in shock at what Fred had done to him. A few couldn’t watch and turned away. The sight of such a successful individual reduced to meat was horrifying.

“No planning this game. This one is a Free for all. This one is a test of endurance.” He said as he pulled out a thing of twine. He stretched across the griddle on his stove. The white twine taught and about 10 feet above the black top.

Reaching his hands down Freddie spoke

“Game is simple, the first one to fall loses.” We all just stared at his bloody hands.

“Or I can just kill you all in the most horrific ways possible. I can pull out each of your limbs and dip you in salt. I can skin you alive” Fred said in anger.

That was enough as we each climbed into his open hands. He held us under the twine.

“Climb on,” He said. Each of us lifted out hands and grabbed onto the thread. Fred let his hands go and left us dangling.

“Time to turn up the heat” He said as he turned on his gas stove. The flames flared up in full force. Even at the start I could feel the heat starting to sap. I wouldn’t last hanging like a smoking pig. Thankfully, my light size made it easy for me to lift myself up. I pulled myself up and over the twine. My face was sweating and I looked around. A few others got the idea and were able to pull up. The weight on our stomachs instead of hands. Beads of sweat fell from my face and landed on the griddle with a sizzle. It was only 3min and I saw one overweight tiny struggling. His face was red and he was left hanging. Unable to pull himself up, he was forced to endure an arduous trial. I could see tears streak down his face as even he knew he would be the one to fall. I said a little prayer for him. He was putting up a strong fight.

Another minute past and I saw his hands slipping. Inch but inch, his sweaty grip gave way. Fred was on the edge of his seat waiting. 30 more seconds and his first hand went. In an adrenaline filled state he reached up and tried to grab the rope but it was pointless. As he fought to lift himself, the excess wait loosened his other hand. He screamed as he fell onto the hot iron. Landing onto his back, a wet sizzle was heard. A blood curdling scream was unleashed as the hot iron quickly burned through his clothing. He put his arms out and forced himself upwards. The hot metal burns his flesh and causes it to peel off the bone. IT was like a horror movie. His shoes slowly melted with every step. He tried to make it to the edge but couldn’t. By the third step his soles were exposed to the hot metal. The flesh quickly charred causing him to faceplant. More screams were unleashed as his face was cooked. By this point he was stuck. His flesh fused with the grill as he slowly cooked.

Freddie was done watching and grabbed a spatula. Pressing onto the man's back he flattened out onto the hot metal.
“Have to make sure he cooks evenly” he said as we still hung over the cooking body. We watched in horror as the metal spatula held him down. His final death spasms causing his body to contort and his screams of pain cut straight to the soul. All that was heard was the sizzle of human flesh and the screams of a dying man. One person fainted from the sight and began to fall. Using his other hand, Freddie quickly caught him.

“Don’t worry, your time isn’t yet. You passed this round.” He said. Letting the first half cook, he carefully plucked us off the twine and sat us to the side. Using the spatula he flipped the half-cooked man. It was ugly. The eyes had melted and his face was charred to the bone. Pieces of skin sloughed off his frame and his muscle contorted in weird positions. My own stomach jumped at the sight of the burned body. Freddie just leaned in close and sniffed.

“MMmmh almost finished” he said, licking his lips. He drizzled some salt and pepper on the man then turned down the heat.

“I wish I could say there was better food, but damn you tinies just taste so good” the man fully good, Freddie used his spatula to place him onto a plate. Holding the blackened man up, he dipped him in the hummus and brought to his mouth. With a crunch he bit into the cooked man.

“Oh this is good, perfect amount of fat on this one. The skin too, just nice and crispy. Yall would love this” he said as he continued to eat away at the friend man. His massive teeth tearing into the crunchy flesh before pulling back strings of sinew. A bit of meat juice dribbled down his studded beard as he consumed the man.

The 9 of us could only look in fear and terror. Each death became more horrendous than the last. We eyed each other up, who was next, what was the next challenge. My body trembled. I didn’t want to die and if I had to take down these other fuckers I would.

“I think you all need a bit of a rest and I am still quite hungry. So let's play a game of luck.” He said as he walked over to a shelf. He pulled down an old wooden box and set it on the table. Opening it up, the lid formed a platform. Without saying a word he reached his hand down. We all instinctively climbed onto it. As he lifted us up, I could smell the scent of meat. I gagged a bit, that was once a human being. A bit of his saliva made his fingers glisten. I could be next, this was my hell.

As we lifted into the air, we saw what he had pulled out. A roulette table

“I believe all people should have a bit of luck in them. Simple rules, pick a number and if the ball lands on your. You dead” He laughed a bit at it.

“If it doesn’t choose any of you we spin it again!” He said in excitement, I noticed his bulge was much thicker than before. He was getting off to this. A wave of disgust washed over me. I thought he was a nice guy, I shared drinks with him. Now he was picking us off in horrible ways.

“One minute to decide” Fred said as he dumped us on the table. I knew what I had to do, I picked my luck number 12. Not sure why I had this as my number but it had gotten me through thick and thin. I hope it didn’t fail me now.

“Lets give it a spin” Fred said as he turned the table and dropped the ball. We all watched in silence as the game of chance would decide our fate.

“Why so gloomy guys, cheer up. Come on big money” He said as he watched the ball go round and round. As it slowed we saw it land onto a green 0. A sigh of relief was let go, it was none of us.

“Aww well round two” Fred said as he spun it yet again. The clicking noise as the ball smacked into the sides was deafening. How did I get here. What god did I forsake to be forced to play these Saw-like games. The ball slowed and began to set. I watched as it slowly moved, it nicked my 12 but didn’t go into it. After a few more seconds it was red 30.

“NOO” a man behind me yelled.

“Ding ding, looks like we got a winner” Fred said quickly snatching up the man.

“I got a real fun game for you!” he said as he grabbed a miniscule headbanned.

“Please, please give me a chance. Anything, please don’t kill me” He begged as the giant attached the headband to the man.

“Hmm you know what, that was kind of boring. Sure let's make it more interesting” Fred said.

“We will play tug of war. I’ll put you in my mouth. If those down below can pull you out, I’ll give you a second chance.” he said

“Oh thank you thank you.” the man said through his tears.

“I am not saving him” One little said behind me.

“What?” I responded.

“Yeah, with him gone our odds shoot up. Why would I risk it?” he continued.

“We can’t just let him die, that is fucked up” I said.

“Well then you help him” He yelled back.

By now the victim realized what was happening.

“Look, please don’t let him kill me. I am rich, I’ll donate money to your family. I’ll trade anything” he said trying to beg for assistance.

“Stop chatting, let's play” Fred said, squatting down to the table. His giant face is larger than our own bodies. Hell, I don’t even think I could pass his upper lip. I stared at his piercing eyes, the man was truly gorgeous yet was hideous on the inside. Carefully, he put the man into his mouth. His juicy lips suckling the legs and threatened to pull him in. Cautiously, A few of us approached. We weren’t sure if Fred would kill us there but he allowed our approach.

The man was in tears at this point. Mumbling thank yous and other things. I grabbed his left arm alongside one other person. On the other side two more tinies came to help. We looked back and saw that the remaining four didn’t want to help. Fred lifted his massive hand and counted down with his fingers.

5, I grabbed the man harder. 4, I tried to focus on me and him. I could do this. 3. I shifted my weight trying to get a grip on the floor. 2, I looked into his eyes and tried to give him moral support. 1, my body went tense. Instantly Fred began to suck. We were taken by surprise at the force and he went into his chest.

“Fuck no, please pull pull” He cried out. We didn’t even have time to respond. Everyone's muscles burned as we tried to pull the main out of the giant’s mouth. Yet it was worthless, every second more and more of him was consumed.

“Please don’t let me die, please no, god no, please don’t let me be eaten” the man continued to cry out. His fingers digging into our flesh as we tried to pull him out. Yet we were too weak, as our muscles gave he was sucked into the massive lips. First an inch every couple of seconds, then a bit more. My muscle gave out and I let go, I fell backwards from the force and heard him yell out.

“Noo” the struggling tiny grabbed onto one of the others with a deathgrip. Fred didn't care; he was delighting in the man’s panicked sweat. The salty fluid had a wonderful taste in his mouth. He sucked a bit harder causing my partner to also let go. Only two left to help, one also voluntarily let go. It was over. He was lost. Yet the man didn’t give up. He had latched onto one of his helpers dragging him along the way.

“Fuckers, all of you.” he screamed as he dragged the other tiny to his doom.

“Let him go its over” I said.

“Don’t force him to die as well” I plead with the man. The other tiny trying to pull the man’s arm off him. But it was useless. Soon his hand entered the giant's mouth.

“No, no, no” I said in disbelief. He was trying to help and only was being eaten in the process. Without anyone to hold them, both went into the mouth pretty quick.
“OOOOh a two for one special” Fred said as he sucked both men into his mouth. Slightly opening it, we could see the two tinies being tossed around on the giant’s tongue. Then we heard that distinct rumble.

“Welp, the stomach has decided. Let's make this quick shall we” Freddie said as he tilted his head back and swallowed. Two living beings eaten alive.

“Shall we check in on them?” he asked flicking on the nearby TV. The first screen was the go-pro attached to the first victim's head. We could see the tight muscles of the esophagus constrict and move him down into the acidic chamber. His pathetic whimpering could be heard over the organic sounds a body could make. Squelching noises and the popping of gas bubbles.

Then he fell quickly, we watched as the pool of acidic quickly approached. It was vile, the previous victims mutilated bodies floated in the pool of slime. The water tinted red and lumpy with other matter. We watched as the man looked up, the sphincter opening and dropping in the second tiny. Both were waist deep in the giant’s stomach acid.

He walked over to the make. His skin already started to turn red as the acid began to break him down.

“You motherfucker, you killed me” The angry man said. With a right hook, he punched at the camera. We could hear a reverberating thud as his fist made contact.

“I had a scholarship, I was going to school to be a doctor, but your selfish ass killed me” He said, continuing to punch at the prone man. Each time his hands came up, they were redder than the last. Flesh blistered and sloughed off.

“Oh this is going a bit too quick” Freddie said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an antacid. Popping two down we watched on film as the slammed into the stomach acid. A thick fizzling sound was heard as the basic chemical neutralizes the acids. As the man took out his frustration he ripped off the headband and turned it.

“This is what you wanted you monster” He said as he recorded the battered man. His skin is worse for wear. His eyes melting out of the socket and bits of his teeth could be seen through the melted face flesh. It was like a living zombie.

“Fuck you Freddie, I will see you in hell” He said before flicking off the camera.

“Oh he is a feisty little guy” Fred just laughed. We could hear his muffled voice repeat on the stomach camera. We spent maybe 20min watching the two men digest. Each second more skin sloughed off. Both screamed in pain. One tried to claw his way out of the stomach. He banged at the wall flesh trying to get out. The only response was a burst of more acidic liquid onto his face. He yelped in horror as the acid entered his lungs and eyes. His innards now exposed as the acidic ate away from the inside. He choked and coughed up some of the yellow bile, but soon that yellow was tinted red. He stumbled back and fell into the pool. His time was limited. The second was absolutely still, he just wailed in pain and was hunched over. Pieces of his face dripped off him. His eyes fully melted and the whites of his bones exposed. His screams were the worst of all. By trying to minimize exposure his death was only prolonged. He had to sit in agony as his body slowly disintegrated before his eyes. Then with one final gurgle he went silent. Out of all the deaths so far, this looked the worse. At least the others went quick. They were alive for almost 30min total before succumbing to the stomach acids. The pool of nutrients blood red slowly diffusing away from their melting bodies. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. It was like watching a train wreck.

“Damn I am full” Freddie said breaking out silence. He patted his stomach as he turned off the TV.









注册时间: 2020-12-17

在线时间: 179 小时
最后登录: 2024-10-10


发表于 2021-1-11 13:50:32  来自手机  | 显示全部楼层
這非常極端非常非常極端。 好吧,所以在您開始閱讀本文之前,不適合膽小的人。 這是一個非常極端的故事。 這是一個請求,我想看看我對gore / etc的限制。 總結起來,這是一個使人萎縮並以可怕的方式吞噬人的巨人
“地獄,這是地獄。” 我說發抖。 我的衣服沾滿了鮮血,不是我所有的。 一件簡單的外套遮住了我發抖的身體。 我的頭腦仍然與我目睹的暴行齊頭並進,但終於結束了。 我可以在電話上看到善良的撒瑪利亞人,但我不知道他在跟誰說話。 我只是茫然地註視著人行道,試圖掩蓋噪音。 冒犯的仇恨在裡面積累,我跌倒在地上。 凝視著恐懼,我發出了原始的吼叫聲。 善良的撒瑪利亞人來到我身邊,試圖安慰我。 然而,沒有什麼能減輕我所見證的負擔

它開始於平均一天。 我要去大學上課:上午8點有機化學。 是的,它很爛,但我們必須這樣做。 在一天餘下的時間裡,我睡著了半天。 我傾向於在學術和戲劇方面表現出色。 因此,我最終完成了雙專業。 我仍然無法決定自己的生活。 運動是不可能的,作為一個5 2 2的人,我真的不是那裡最強的人。 但是,我的身材並沒有真正讓我退縮。 我仍然很容易結交朋友,過著幸福的生活。

到中午,我已經有一個固定的午餐時間。 我一個人去自助餐廳。 星期二不適合我的親密朋友,所以除非遇到一個我自己吃飯的人。 我認識了一些朋友,但不想在用餐途中打擾他們。 我進餐時掏出一本書看書。 大約15分鐘後,另一個學生輕拍了我的肩膀。

“介意我加入你嗎?” 他問

我抬起頭,看到一張新面孔。 我cho了一下,那個傢伙就像一塊垃圾牛肉蛋糕。 他有一頭金色的頭髮,帶有淡淡的橙色,鬍鬚/山羊胡的ate發,被撕開了。 一條細長的肌肉發球幾乎不覆蓋他的乳頭,他的身份證掛在脖子上。 他那鼓鼓的框架充滿了我的視野。 當他等待我的反應時,我困惑地看著他的臉。 他的眼睛有點血絲,一陣雜草進入我的鼻子。 他的細線眼鏡增加了書呆子的外觀。 我無法確定為什麼他如此吸引人,這是許多小事的結合。 我曾在遠處見過他,也許在聚會上見過一兩次,但我們沒有任何重疊之處。



“哦,是的,上學期我見過你。 我叫弗雷迪,簡稱弗雷德。

“很高興認識你,所以為什麼要聊天? 需要任何課程或其他方面的幫助嗎?” 我問,空閒時間我輔導了很多學生。 這是一種賺錢的簡單方法。

“天哪,我會變得直率。 自從演出以來,我一直很迷戀。 我想開始一些對話。 看看我們是否會混在一起。 我給矮個子們買了東西,可以一口吃掉你可愛的身體。”他說,露出那些珍珠白。

“哈,我懷疑在這方面我會做很多事情。 我是有骨有肉的男人,離開這個身體並不多。” 我說一起玩。 他和我一起笑了,給了我一拳。 這比我預想的要難一點,我想他不知道他那些肌肉的力量。

弗雷德和我在整個午餐期間繼續聊天。 我認為他不是在約會資料,但我們表現得很好。 下一堂課來了,我不得不休息。

“嘿,我得上課了。 但是我今晚在市區酒吧去瑣事。 如果您有空,為什麼不加入?” 我問他(過去式

“聽起來像有趣的小兄弟,我會去的。”弗雷德站起來說道。 當他穿著平台時,我無法得知他的真實身高,但顯然他已經超過6'2。

“太好了,這是我的電話號碼。”他把我的電話號碼插入手機,然後發短信給我。 我保存下來,看著他請假。 他的短褲使人難以想像,他粗大的樹幹樹幹使許多健美運動員感到羞恥。


夜晚來了,我們在瑣事中獲得了第二名。 太好了,房地美是個有趣的傢伙。 他機智敏捷,性格骯髒。 當我們喝酒聊天時,我真的開始和他一起震動,他一直像一塊肉一樣看著我。 不過,我已經習慣了,作為一個花哨的同志,上衣總是很容易勾引。 但是我確實有一個規則,不要他媽的朋友。 太亂了。 當我們結束時,我們說了再見,然後出發。 房地美,我本人和其他一些人回到校園。 回到房間後,我們繼續聊天。 我的另外兩個朋友離開了,只有弗雷迪和我自己。 我開始說再見,但他的聲音低沉


他的手指伸進我的皮膚時,我僵住了。 他的大手緊緊抓住了我。

“嗯,我不能,明天我有很多事情要做。 我的下一份實驗報告應在星期五提交,我需要早點進入實驗。”我試圖拉開一點,但他堅持不懈。 他透過那些眼鏡看著我時,他的眼睛幾乎沒有睜開。 他笑容燦爛。

他說:“這不是最大的要求,現在讓我們輕鬆地做到這一點。” 我簡直不敢相信發生了什麼。 我驚慌失措,張開嘴尖叫起來,但他很快。 在聲音響起之前,他的另一隻手在我的喉嚨周圍。 當他的大手擠我的脖子時,我的視線變得模糊了。 我試圖抓撓和戰鬥,但他把我抬離了地面。 肺掙扎著呼吸,我的雙腿在空中跳動。 隨著視力減弱,我的身體變得li行,他俯下身來。

“我等不及要嚐嚐你那小小的身體了。”他舔舔我的臉頰時說道。 那時我昏倒了。

我在一個黑暗的房間裡醒了。 我的脖子仍然酸痛,一張小嬰兒床和幾杯水坐在一張塑料桌子上。 房間感覺不舒服,桌子是用便宜的塑料做的,摸了摸我。 我從未見過如此輕巧的東西。 杯子裡的水很難粘到我要吮吸出來的兩側。 發生了什麼事? 但是我的答案很快就來了。 我的世界發生了變化,向側面傾斜,杯子掉了下來,我開始滑向屋頂。 我的房間里傳來一聲流行聲,屋頂被移開了。 燈光氾濫成災,我猛烈地摔倒了。 當我恢復視野時,可以看到其他人。 所有人似乎都和我一樣困惑。 不同的身高,肌肉和年齡。 一盞大燈像聚光燈照在我們身上。 光束外面的世界是黑暗的。 地板是用某種木頭製成的,我以前從未見過這樣的地板。

當我們聚集和交談時,我們將故事拼湊在一起。 我們每個人在某個時候都遇到了弗雷德。 一些人被困在他們的房間幾天了。 從它們的隔離中明顯餓了並脫水了。 沒有人知道他想要什麼,但我們都意識到我們是他的囚犯。 經過一段時間後,一些人想嘗試檢查一下周圍的環境。 我認為這不是那麼容易,所以決定留在原地。 一些人冒險進入黑暗中。 起初看起來還不錯。 但是後來我們都聽到了尖叫聲。 在我們聽到刺耳的聲音之前,它漸漸暈了過去。 他跌倒了。 我們都等了,腎上腺素射穿了整個團隊。 然後是the吟聲,請尋求幫助。


“幫助,幫助。” 他咳嗽並作嘔。

他說:“我的腿和胳膊,天哪,我能感覺到骨頭。” 顯然他很震驚。 我不知道那個秋天之後有人會醒來。 他痛苦的mo吟刺穿了寂靜,但我們當中沒有一個人願意幫助。 如果我們跌倒了怎麼辦。 然後世界照亮了。 頭頂上出現了明亮的白光,聽到了巨大的嗡嗡聲。 我們的視線適應了燈光,出現了模糊的身影。 是房地美。

他說:“ ches子。” 當他高聳於我們之上時。 他的大隆起與我們視線齊平,刺眼的目光低垂在我們微小的身體上。 這必須是一個夢想,他如何變得如此大。 發生了什麼事。 那時更多的mo吟聲出現了。

“啊,我們有個逃脫的藝術家。 好吧,結束這一點。”他轉移身體時說道。 我們看不到它,但我們聽到了男人的尖叫聲。

“弗雷德,請幫忙。 不,不。 不要踩 AHHHHH”那個小矮人尖叫。 可以聽到小小的啪啪聲和裂縫。 弗雷迪甚至都沒有看著他。 他只是微笑著看著我們震驚和恐怖的反應。 那個男人慢慢地被壓扁了。 他的哭聲變成咯咯一聲,然後沉默了。 弗雷德(Fred)沒做完,他把腳踩在靴子上,使小腿彎曲了。

“下一個試圖逃脫的人的命運會更糟。” 他說
“你對我們做了什麼他媽的。”我旁邊的一個男人大喊。 他當時30多歲,年齡有點大。

“看不到,我縮了你。 看到我有一種讓我改變現實的力量。 我用它很好,但很快就很無聊。 現在我隨心所欲。 猜猜怎麼著,你今晚丟了彩票。” 他說。

“你不能做的”,但是在弗雷德完成之前,他動了動手,向那個男人輕彈了手指。 大手指猛撞到男人的頭上。 他的臉爆裂,發出令人作嘔的緊縮聲。 手指不停地走了下去,最終使他斷頭。 當他的身體向前傾斜時,他被切斷的頭從桌子上飛了出來。 噴出的鮮血覆蓋了我們附近的一些人。 我這個年齡的人對發生的事情嘔吐。 弗雷德然後用血腥的手指吮吸它。


“還有其他投訴嗎?” 他低頭看著我們。 在我們目睹了一切之後,我們只是默默地站著。

“很酷,所以我想出了一個遊戲。” 他肚子不舒服時說。 顯然很活躍,因為它有食物的味道。

“如您所知,我非常餓。 但要獲得這些收益,”弗雷德彎曲二頭肌時說。

“我需要一定的蛋白質比例。 我發現,小小的人類是最好的食物。 因此,歡迎來到我的飢餓遊戲!” 他說。 雙關語很爛,但他確實被踢了出來。

規則很簡單。 失敗者最終來到這裡。”他指著堅硬的腹肌。

“有一個獲勝者獲得自由,這不是一場死仗。 我有很多不同的遊戲可以玩。”他笑著說。

我們都驚呆了。 我們必須為生存而戰。 我認為我沒有毅力。 我開始看比賽了。 很明顯,我是最弱的人,這並不容易。

“現在,每回合我都會給您一分鐘的時間進行戰略制定。 一些將是團隊,一些將是免費的。 如果你們中的一個人決定犧牲自己,我們可以跳過一輪。 但是,我不喜歡w夫,所以如果您這樣做,您的死亡將更加痛苦。 第一輪很簡單。 選擇一個參賽選手,並將它們放在我手中。 現在,您的會議開始了。”弗雷德拔起椅子,將手放在桌子上,說道。


“把瘦小傢伙扔到那兒,不是想他能擊敗我們任何人。”他指著我說。 我看到了一些點頭。 媽的,這絕非易事

“是的,我同意。 另一名男子說,這也給我們多了一些時間來思考出路,“更多人開始搖頭。 我可以看到投票開始了。

“不不不,那是他想要的。”我指著第一個男人說。 他是個大個子,大約6分3秒。

“如果這些遊戲是實體遊戲,該怎麼辦? 你們中有人可以一對一擊敗他嗎? 這是我們淘汰頂級球員的唯一機會嗎?” 我說過要轉。 普通人回答。


好,熱量從我身上散了下來。 人們爆發了戰鬥,尖叫和大喊。 這個大個子最終在爭論中激怒了太多。 他顯然不習慣辯論階段。

10秒鐘,弗雷德的聲音高高躍起。 他顯然很享受。 尚未達成共識,爭論只是進一步爆發。


我爭先恐後地試圖離手盡可能遠。 那個大聲的男人緊追著我。 雖然沒有打架,但我敏捷而能夠躲閃。 他俯身尋找一個鏟球,沒有摔倒在臉上。 自從他倒下以來,我大喊大叫讓他來。 當兩個人最終抓住他的腿時,它似乎起作用了。 當他們慢慢將他拖到老繭的手中時,他尖叫著流血的謀殺案。 我氣喘吁籲地抬頭。 弗雷德的眼睛仔細地看著那個男人拖到他的手上。 他期待著舔嘴唇。


“看這不是很有趣。”弗雷德說著把那個男人放在嘴裡。 當他嚐到恐懼時,他濕wet的舌頭探出了男人的臉。 該人懇求憐憫,但沒有人來。

“哦,你會產生一些很棒的蛋白質的。”弗雷德說。 他到達了我們的競技場並舉起了它。 我很快就認出了形狀,當時我們在砧板上。 我們一直都是食物。 當他把我們帶到爐灶台時,他哼著一點。 他拉出一個食物處理器,將其放在桌子上。 當他取出食材時,他說話了。

“您知道,我嘗試了許多涉及小東西的食譜。 然而,沒有什麼比最簡單的方法更勝一籌了。”他接著打開一罐鷹嘴豆進入加工機。

“實際上,大多數3-4種食材都是最好的。” 弗雷德繼續發脾氣。 他微笑著往下看


他說:“這是我最喜歡製作的,快速,容易並且富含蛋白質的菜餚之一。” 他將其蓋上蓋子並打開。 旋轉的葉片迅速切碎並液化混合物。 弗雷德(Fred)打開縫隙尋找新食材,握住了那舉手的人。

“但是,任何菜餚中最重要的成分是適量的鹽。” 然後,他先將腳慢慢地加到處理器中。 當他靠近旋轉的葉片時,我們所有人都驚恐地看著。

人們大喊他不應該這樣做。 只是快點殺死他,這太殘酷了。 他是多麼邪惡。 該名男子抬起雙腿,以盡可能地避免刮刀。 為任何人哭泣,為某人祈禱以拯救他,使他擺脫這種情況的任何事情。

弗雷德只是笑著說:“你會快樂的,你將成為神的一部分。 除了你的身材,你就是食物”

這樣他就完成了放下那個人的腳。他的腳被切斷了。 快速的刀片將其甩向牆壁,血液噴濺到處。 當他的脛骨往下走時,那個人在痛苦中how叫。 刀片變鈍而不是割開。 當他的腿慢慢被金屬破壞時,骨頭彎曲並破碎了。 褐色鷹嘴豆泥開始呈現栗色。 我看著戈爾繼續摻入小吃中。 鮮血從他的嘴裡漏了出來,他痛苦地咯咯作響。 葉片很快刺入他的骨盆。 他的內臟脫落,直到腸子被抓住。 長長的蛇管被卡在刀片中時像鞋帶一樣拔出。 該男子不知何故還活著。

“嗯,這很好。”弗雷德說,讓刀片運行更長一點的時間來保持一致性。 他抱著那殘缺不全的人的頭。 只剩下他的軀幹,頭部和部分手臂。 桶裝的血滴出來。 他將在幾分鐘之內死亡。

“品嚐時間!” 弗雷德說,當他把那個人浸入鮮血的鷹嘴豆泥中時。 他確保盡可能多地穿上外套。 他迅速把那個男人帶到嘴裡,砍了下來。 他巨大的牙齒在大聲的裂縫中打碎了肋骨。 每一口都液化男人。 弗雷德是一個草的食客,並確保向我們其他人炫耀自己的魅力。 他的嘴唇上滴了些血。 他很快用舌頭舔了舔。 該男子被徹底咀嚼後,他的語氣就消失了。 我們所說的只是白色與紅色的混合。 沒有什麼可比的。 弗雷德然後將頭向後傾斜併吞下。 他拍拍肚子說。


我們剩下十個人了。 許多人對弗雷德對他所做的事情感到震驚。 有些人看不到,轉身走了。 這樣一個成功的人淪為肉食的景象令人震驚。

“沒有計劃這個遊戲。 這是一個免費的所有人。 這是對耐力的考驗。” 當他抽出麻線時,他說。 他在爐子上穿過烤架。 白色的麻線在黑色頂端上方約10英尺處傳授。


“遊戲很簡單,第一個失敗的遊戲就輸了。” 我們所有人都盯著他的手。

“或者我可以以最恐怖的方式殺死你們所有人。 我可以拉出您的四肢,然後將您浸入鹽中。 我可以讓你活著。”弗雷德生氣地說道。

當我們每個人都伸開雙手時,這已經足夠了。 他把我們束縛住了。

“爬上,”他說。 我們每個人都舉起雙手,抓住線。 弗雷德放開手,讓我們晃來晃去。

“打開爐子的時候了。”他打開煤氣爐時說道。 火焰猛烈地爆發了。 即使在開始的時候,我仍會感到悶熱。 我不會最後像抽煙的豬一樣吊死。 值得慶幸的是,我的輕便尺寸使我很容易抬起自己。 我拉起自己,越過麻線。 我的臉上滿是汗水,環顧四周。 其他一些人知道了這個主意,並且能夠接受。 胃而不是手的重量。 汗珠從我臉上掉下來,嘶嘶地落在平板爐上。 才3分鐘,我看到一個超重的微小掙扎。 他的臉紅了,他懸空了。 由於無法振作起來,他被迫經受了艱鉅的考驗。 我什至可以看到他的臉上流下了淚水,即使他知道他會跌倒。 我為他祈禱。 他在打架。

又過了一分鐘,我看到他的手在滑。 寸英寸,但汗濕的抓地力讓位了。 弗雷德在座位邊上等待。 再過30秒,他的第一隻手走了。 在腎上腺素充盈的狀態下,他伸手試圖抓住繩子,但這毫無意義。 當他奮力掙扎時,多餘的等待放鬆了他的另一隻手。 當他跌落到熱鐵板上時,他尖叫起來。 降落在他的背上,聽到濕的嘶嘶聲。 灼熱的烙鐵迅速燒穿他的衣服時,發出了血腥的尖叫聲。 他伸出雙臂,強迫自己向上。 鐵水會灼傷他的肉,並使其剝落骨頭。 它就像一部恐怖電影。 他的鞋子每一步都慢慢融化。 他試圖將其發揮到極致,但未能成功。 第三步,他的腳底暴露在鐵水之下。 肉很快燒焦,使他臉部不適。 他的臉煮熟後發出更多的尖叫聲。 至此,他陷入了困境。 慢慢煮熟時,他的肉與烤架融合在一起。

弗雷迪(Freddie)看完了,拿起鍋鏟。 壓在男人的背上,他扁平化到鐵水上。
他說:“必須確保他做飯均勻。” 當金屬鍋鏟壓住他時,我們驚恐地看著。 他最後的死亡痙攣使他的身體扭曲,痛苦的尖叫聲直截了當地。 聽到的只是人肉的嘶嘶聲和一個垂死的男人的尖叫聲。 一個人從視線中暈倒,開始跌倒。 弗雷迪用另一隻手迅速抓住了他。

“不用擔心,您的時間還沒有。 您通過了這一輪。” 他說。 讓上半部分煮熟,他小心翼翼地把我們從麻繩上拉下來,坐在旁邊。 他用抹刀翻轉了半熟的男人。 真醜。 眼睛融化了,他的臉被燒焦了。 幾塊皮膚從他的框架上脫落下來,他的肌肉扭曲在奇怪的位置。 看到被燒傷的身體,我的肚子跳了起來。 弗雷迪只是俯身靠近並聞了聞。

“ MMmmh快要完蛋了。”他舔著嘴唇說道。 他在那個男人身上撒了些鹽和胡椒粉,然後調低了熱量。

“我希望我能說有更好的食物,但是該死的小傢伙味道太好了。”這個男人完全好,弗雷迪用鍋鏟將他放在盤子上。 他舉起那個黑了的人,將他浸在鷹嘴豆泥中,並帶到他的嘴裡。 緊咬著他咬了熟的男人。

“哦,這是一種很好的脂肪。 皮膚也很好,又脆。  Yall會喜歡的。 他的大顆牙齒撕裂了鬆脆的肉,然後拉回了一根筋。 他喝醉了男人時,一點點肉汁從他散佈的鬍鬚上滴下來。

我們中的9個人只能看著恐懼和恐懼。 每次死亡都比最後一次更加可怕。 我們互相注視著,接下來的是誰,接下來的挑戰是什麼。 我的身體發抖。 我不想死,如果我不得不把其他這些混蛋都拿走,我會的。

“我認為你們都需要休息一下,但我仍然很餓。 因此,讓我們玩個運氣。” 他走到架子上時說。 他拉下一個舊木箱,放在桌子上。 打開它,蓋子形成一個平台。 他一言不發地把手伸了下來。 我們所有人都本能地爬上了它。 當他抬起我們來時,我聞到了肉的氣味。 我有點agged,那曾經是人類。 他的口水有些使他的手指閃閃發亮。 我可能是下一個,這是我的地獄。

當我們升空時,我們看到了他拉出的東西。 輪盤賭桌

“我相信所有人都應該在其中有些運氣。 簡單的規則,選擇一個數字,如果球落在你身上。 你死了。”他笑了一下。

“如果它沒有選擇你們中的任何一個,我們會再次旋轉它!” 他興奮地說,我注意到他的隆起比以前濃密得多。 他正在為此。 一陣厭惡籠罩著我。 我以為他是個好人,我和他一起喝酒。 現在他以可怕的方式把我們送走了。

“一分鐘來決定。”弗雷德說,他把我們扔在桌子上。 我知道我該怎麼做,我選了運氣數字12。不知道為什麼要把它當作我的數字,但是它使我一帆風順。 我希望它不會讓我失望。

“讓我們旋轉一下。”弗雷德轉過桌子扔球時說道。 我們所有人都在默默地註視著機會遊戲將決定我們的命運。

“為什麼這麼陰沉的傢伙,振作起來。 來吧,賺大錢。”他說,他看著球轉了一圈。 放慢速度,我們看到它落在綠色0上。鬆了一口氣,這不是我們一個。

“第二輪真不錯。”弗雷德再次旋轉時說道。 球拍打到側面時發出的喀噠聲震耳欲聾。 我怎麼到這裡了。 我放棄了什麼上帝而被迫玩這些類似《鋸》的遊戲。 球放慢了腳步,開始進攻。 我看著它慢慢移動,它切開了我的12,但沒有進入。 再過幾秒鐘,變成紅色30。

“ NOO”在我身後的男人大喊。


“我為您提供了一個真正有趣的遊戲!” 他說,他抓住了一個微不足道的禁令。

“拜託,請給我一次機會。 任何事情,請不要殺我。”他乞求著巨人把頭帶綁在那個男人身上。

“嗯,你知道嗎,那很無聊。 當然,讓我們變得更有趣。”弗雷德說。

“我們將進行拔河比賽。 我會把你放在嘴裡。 如果下方的那些可以拉你出去,我給你第二次機會。” 他說

“哦,謝謝,謝謝。” 該名男子哭著說。


“什麼?” 我回答了。

“是的,隨著他走了,我們的機率上升了。 我為什麼要冒險呢?” 他繼續。




“看,請不要讓他殺死我。 我很有錢,我會捐錢給你的家人。 我會買賣任何東西。”他說,試圖乞求幫助。

“別聊天了,讓我們玩。”弗雷德蹲在桌子旁說。 他的大臉比我們自己的身體還大。 地獄,我什至不認為我可以超越他的上唇。 我凝視著他那刺眼的眼睛,這個男人確實很漂亮,但裡面卻很醜陋。 他小心翼翼地把那個男人放進了嘴裡。 他多汁的嘴唇吮吸著雙腿,揚言要把他拉進去。謹慎地,我們中的一些人走近了。 我們不確定弗雷德是否會在那裡殺死我們,但他允許我們採取行動。

該名男子此時流下了眼淚。 喃喃自語謝謝你和其他事情。 我抓住了他的左臂,與另一個人並肩。 在另一邊,另外兩個小東西來了。 我們回頭看,剩下的四個人不想幫忙。 弗雷德舉起巨大的手,用手指數了數。

5,我更努力地抓住了那個男人。  4,我試圖專注於我和他。 我可以做到的。  3.我轉移了體重,試圖抓住地板。  2,我看著他的眼睛,試圖給他道德上的支持。  1,我的身體變得緊張。 弗雷德立刻開始吮吸。 我們對這種力量感到驚訝,他走進了胸膛。

“他媽的不,請拉扯。”他喊道。 我們什至沒有時間回應。 我們試圖將主體從巨人的嘴中拔出時,每個人的肌肉都在燃燒。 然而,這是毫無價值的,越來越多的人被消耗掉了。

“請不要讓我死,請不要,天哪,請不要讓我被吃掉。”男人繼續大聲喊叫。 我們試圖將他拉出時,他的手指伸進我們的肉裡。 然而,我們太虛弱了,因為我們的肌肉使他陷入了巨大的嘴唇。 每隔幾秒鍾先移動一英寸,然後再增加一英寸。 我的肌肉放開了,我放開了,我從力量上倒了下來,聽見他大喊大叫。

“ Noo”掙扎的那個小傢伙用死神握住了另一個。 弗雷德不在乎; 他為那個男人驚慌失措的汗水感到高興。 鹹味的液體在他的嘴裡味道極佳。 他吮吸了一點,使我的伴侶也放開了。 僅剩兩個人幫助,一個人也自願放手。 結束了 他迷路了。 可是男人並沒有放棄。 他被一名助手綁住,拖著他一路走。

“笨蛋,你們所有人。” 當他拖著另一個微小的東西走向滅亡時,他尖叫起來。


“不要強迫他也死”我懇求那個人。 另一個試圖將男人的手臂從他身上拉開的微小動作。 但這沒用。 很快他的手進入了巨人的嘴。

“不,不,不。”我難以置信地說。 他正在嘗試提供幫助,但在此過程中只被吃掉了。 沒有任何人抓住它們,兩者都很快進入了嘴。
“噢,一對二的特殊菜品。”弗雷德說著,把兩個男人都吸進嘴裡。 稍微打開它,我們可以看到兩個小東西被扔在巨人的舌頭上。 然後我們聽到那明顯的隆隆聲。

“很高興,肚子已經決定了。 讓我們快點走吧。”弗雷迪說,當他向後傾斜頭併吞下時。 兩個生物活著被吃掉了。

“我們可以檢查一下嗎?” 他要求在附近的電視上輕彈。 第一個屏幕是貼在第一個受害者頭部上的go-pro。 我們可以看到食管的緊繃的肌肉收縮並將其向下移入酸性室。 人體發出的自然聲音可以聽到他可悲的wh吟。 靜噪和氣泡爆裂。

然後他迅速倒下,我們看著酸性物質池迅速接近。 那是惡毒的,以前的受害者殘缺不全的屍體漂浮在史萊姆的泥潭中。 水和其他物質一起染成紅色和塊狀。 我們看著那個男人抬頭,括約肌在第二個微小的地方打開和下降。 兩人都在巨人的胃酸深處。

他走過去。 隨著酸開始分解他的皮膚,他的皮膚已經開始變紅。

“你這個混蛋,你殺了我。”生氣的男人說。 他用右鉤打了一下相機。 他的拳頭接觸時,我們能聽到一陣迴響。

“我有獎學金,我打算去學校當醫生,但你的自私的屁股殺了我。”他說,繼續向那位俯臥的男人衝拳。 每次他的手舉起來,它們的手指都比上一個更紅。 肉起泡並脫落。

“哦,這太快了。”弗雷迪伸手從口袋裡掏出抗酸劑時說道。 當我們猛烈地撞向胃酸時,我們在電影上看到了兩個突然跳下來。 當鹼性化學物質中和酸時,聽到了濃重的嘶嘶聲。 當那個男人擺脫沮喪時,他撕下了頭帶並把它轉了過來。

“這就是你想要的怪物。”他在錄製受虐男子時說道。 他的皮膚不好穿。 通過融化的臉肉可以看到他的眼睛從窩裡融化,牙齒的一點點可見。 就像一個活著的殭屍。


“哦,他是個好鬥的小傢伙。”弗雷德笑了。 我們可以在胃鏡上聽到他低沉的聲音。 我們大概花了20分鐘的時間看兩個人的消化情況。 每秒鐘皮膚脫落。 雙方都痛苦地尖叫。 一個人試圖從肚子裡出來。 他猛撞在牆壁上的肉,試圖脫身。 唯一的反應是他臉上湧出了更多的酸性液體。 當酸進入他的肺部和眼睛時,他驚恐地大喊。 現在他的內臟被暴露出來,因為酸性物質從內部進食了。 他cho咽並咳嗽了一些黃色的膽汁,但是很快那黃色變成了紅色。 他跌跌撞撞地跌入游泳池。 他的時間很有限。 第二個絕對靜止,他只是痛苦地哭了,彎腰彎腰。 他的臉上有些滴落。 他的眼睛完全融化,骨頭白皙暴露。 他的尖叫聲是最糟糕的。 通過盡量減少接觸,他的死亡才得以延長。 由於他的身體在眼前慢慢瓦解,他不得不痛苦地坐著。 然後帶著最後的咯咯聲,他沉默了。 在迄今為止的所有死亡中,情況似乎更糟。 至少其他人很快。 在死於胃酸之前,它們總共存活了將近30分鐘。 營養物質池中的血紅色逐漸從其融化的身體擴散開來。 我想移開視線,但我不能。 就像看著火車殘骸。

“該死的,我飽了。”弗雷迪衝出沉默。 關閉電視,他拍了拍肚子。
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