A Growing Attraction 1【个人汉化】
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Betsy and Lauren in an Age Regression and Age Progression love triangle! Lauren steals Betsy’s boyfriend Bobby, and discovers that she has the ability to shrink her older sister! Palcomix did a great job on the AR / AP artwork.Story Summary: Betsy and Lauren both have a crush on Bobby. When Lauren sees him on the side, she grows as big as her older sister. When the girls compete for his affection, Lauren’s pheromones regress Betsy, shrinking her to an adolescent. This comic is loosely based on the same premise as Mating Wars, where girls use their pheromones to shrink their rivals.贝琪和劳伦的年龄倒退和年龄成长的三角恋!劳伦偷了贝琪的男朋友波比,并发现她有能力缩小她的姐姐的能力!Palcomix在AR / AP艺术作品上做得很好。故事梗概:贝琪和劳伦都喜欢波比。当劳伦迷恋波比时,她成长得和姐姐一样大了。当女孩们争夺他的爱时,劳伦的信息素退化了贝琪,使她变成了一个儿童。这部漫画与《Mating Wars》有着大致相同的前提,在《Mating Wars》中,女孩们利用她们的信息素来压制她们的对手。DT的画风素来如此,感觉也挺不错的,这是part1
楼主高产。。。。。。。。。。。 让我康康,就康康{:4_88:} 这个漫画我好像看过类似的 完美的翻译 楼主棒棒哒 有点尴尬啊...说什么来混这个密码呢...小年快乐? 48页很良心啊,汉化不是一般的累吧,谢谢楼主了 mocsty.qq;sr这个漫画超级赞,才四金币,作者搬运辛苦了啊,大家也不必花钱,看我的评论开头ennhduajwje谢谢啦 mocsty.qq;sr感谢作者搬运,我叫雷锋,谢谢大家 感謝樓主分享。。。。。。。。。。。