August 24th, Pluto sent emissaries to earth for 5 days of interplanetary interview. Media all over the world came in great numbers. Native residents of Pluto have no difference from earthmen, except for their micro statures. Human ambassador that received the guests was comrade Philana from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. —— Planet Daily链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQv0Ng2
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v姐的作品!买买买!感谢分享 话说昨天才在国外分享网站看见
群主就已经搬运过来了 这个不是突然变大的吧? 英文的阿,,我这有中文的{:6_146:} v姐作品质量保证啊😍😍 .v姐大大的作品啊!买买买! {:4_96:}{:4_97:}{:4_104:} 而更让他和太阳镜腾云驾雾三万而儿童