【Giantessfan】Growing The Franchise 3
GF上个星期的漫画,看一直没有人上传,就顺手补传了Going into the Women’s Hoops International championship, Sorina, once the tallest player in the league at 6-foot-8 is now the shortest at 6-foot-8. But she and Hoshi have managed to lead the Buzz into the finals against their arch-rivals the Wallop, with Sorina’s arch-rival Rowena leading the opposition. When Hoshi is threatened and with the championship on the line, what can the smallest of the league’s giantesses do?
Title: Growing The Franchise 3
Pages: 15 + cover
Tags: Growing giantess, minigiantess, multiple giantess, clothes ripping, lesbian, sex, shoes ripping
Author: Mac Rome
Artists: Octo
Series: This issue is part of the Growing The Franchise series
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不知道最新的漫画有没有流出 一直在收藏这个系列的漫画谢谢楼主了 美国画风 不错{:4_88:} 求资源帝搬运最新的一本“战利品”,感觉非常对口味 FAN上的漫画一直都很喜欢,但是英语不过关,对话只能看的似懂非懂。。。。 本帖最后由 diablo 于 2016-1-21 15:31 编辑
话说吧里第一部掉了,有人补吗。 不愧是资源帝,不过漫画不对我胃口。 顶一下