【SorenZer0】Katie: Episode Two
Days after Eric's last encounter with Katie, another handful of people are dumped into the cold, empty container that's become his new home. He was like them before... nervous, scared, confused. Still in shock from being snatched away from the life he knew and carried off by the giant girl. He remembered the desperation and the fear, but that was before he learned who Katie was.He's withdrawn and sullen. They try to talk to him, but they just don't know. They can't possibly know what Katie's going to do to them. They can't understand what she's capable of, but Eric knows, and that knowledge twists in his gut with every moment that passes.
Katie's anger had been more terrifying than anything Eric had ever experienced, but her laughter and her playful casually dehumanizing conversation is somehow even more unnerving. Before she'd only wanted violence. She'd only wanted to hurt and crush and destroy to sate her rage, but today, the grinning giantess wants to have some fun, and they were going to be her literal living, breathing playthings.
There's quickly blood on her fingertips, blood on her shoes. They're helpless in her presence, and all they can do is play along and hope to survive.
What could be more clear than that? Katie wants to break their bodies and their spirits, that's the kind of entertainment the wicked girl desires. Eric knows that better than anyone, and it's immediately clear that if they don't submit to her whims, Katie has no qualms about demonstrating the penalties for disobedience.
The others suspiciously follow Eric's lead. He shows them how to obey, and they gather around and do what they're told, but they can't imagine the kinds of games a giantess wants to play.
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咬咬牙最后还是剁手了…… 妈个鸡,画风大赞,就喜欢这样的= = 有vore情结吗?没有的话对于我来说巨亏,看着质量好棒,就是犹豫该不该下手 毫不犹豫买买买 有点贵。。硬着头皮买 20金...
有点小贵 好棒啊。只能这样讲了! 又是一部缩小的立体漫画