SFM 全程source filmmarker,可以在steam上免费下载,有着大量的模型,地图还有脚本特效的支持,就算新手也可以作出自己喜欢的图。
Features: - original game model and textures (Skin 0)
-- or alternative fan made high resolution textures (Skin 1) - removable skirt via bodygroups, removable blindfold
- rig_biped_simple compatibility (remember to "show hidden controls")
- Alternate Costume and Armor Bodygroups
- Mouth- and eyeposing
- Her first sword "Virtuous Contract"
Future Updates: Please tell me about any glitches you find. Thanks! Please credit when porting to other platforms. Credits:
Promo Poster: pa-san
Rip: Luxox18
4K Textures: OriginOfWaves
Port and Rigging: JawSFM
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