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[热心翻译] 欺负保姆










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发表于 2021-10-19 23:54:19  来自手机  | 显示全部楼层

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注册时间: 2019-11-13

在线时间: 777 小时
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发表于 2021-10-20 10:54:43  来自手机  | 显示全部楼层
Cock vored in the locker room

A RP log between Jess_Smallkin and Illian


Jess pants as she jogged on the treadmill, she looked down at her phone, it was getting late. She heard the front door slam as another patron left for the night. She glanced over at the weight equipment and saw there was one other left, a shirtless and admittedly attractive guy working out. She averted her gaze and took another swig from her water bottle. She shook her head, feeling a little light-headed. She paused for a moment, steadying herself before she suddenly fell over toppling into a heap by the side of the machine. Only a few moments later she blinked a few times opening her eyes and gasping as she noticed everything was much larger now. She had shrunk to just a few inches tall! And her clothes had not done the same. She kept to her feet, looking around just as she heard the loud thuds of approaching footsteps. "H-hello?!"


Illian was one of the last one in the gym for the evening, the other people had left half an hour ago and he was alone to clean up after the day. Or almost alone, it was another girl with him whom he thought was kind of cute, but he hadn’t spoken much to her. Illian lifted a couple of weights back to where they belonged with ease. After having spent years exercising, he had built up a set of powerful muscles that showed well off when he went without a shirt, something he often did at the gym in order to attract the various women there. His hands were still on the weight when he thought he heard the other girl speak out to him, prompting him to turn around towards her. “Jess?” he asked, remembering the red-haired girl’s name, but she was nowhere to be seen. Curious, Illian went over to the still rotating treadmill, wondering if he would be lucky enough to see her naked and maybe do some more… before going home for tonight, but what he saw surprised him. “Hey, how did you get so small Jess?” he asked upon seeing the shrunken woman and crouched down.


She couldn't help but shriek as she looked up at the giant before her, she got a real sense of his size as he blocked the lights above, she could practically smell his exertion as the light scent of sweat wafted down to her. She could even almost see up his work out shorts, but she quickly turned her gaze as he crouched down. "I-i don't know! Y-you gotta get somebody, get me back to normal size somehow!"


“Wow, you really have shrunken, Jess!” Illian said and picked her up, suddenly feeling mighty compared to her small form. Jess didn’t have the extremely curvaceous body that some of the other girls attending the gym, but she was far cuter than most of them and Illian would be lying if he told anyone that he hadn’t been fantasying about doing naughty things with her. Looming over the tiny human, warm sweat dripped down on the Jess as he enjoyed the perfect view he got of her naked body. “How did you get so, small and who in the world shall I go and get for you?” he chuckled and realized something else! His tight, black gym pants felt awfully tight! Illian let his eyes travel down to his crotch and found that his already larger than average cock had responded to the sight of a shrunken Jess. It was making a profound bulge that left no doubt about his well-endowed size. “Say what Jess…” he began smugly, “Why don’t you come with me instead and see what we can do…” and then he picked her up and held her in his palm with a lustful look in his eyes.


Jess yelped as the giant picked her up, she knew that she had basically asked him to in order to get her help, but she was no less surprised! When the bead of sweat hit her she sputtered, wiping at her face before she looked up again and caught sight of that huge bulge. It was clear he was not wearing a jockstrap under those shorts as she watched it twitch with a throb. She blushed furiously and was about to speak up before she was lifted higher, the expanse of the giant's muscular chest flying by as she looked up at the handsome face above. "W-with you? S-shouldn’t we like call the police or something? I... don’t really know you!" Jess swallowed, looking at that hungry look she was getting and also thinking about the bulging shorts, hoping the two weren't related as she started to get worried.


Looking down at her, “Illian ginned. “You know what, I think the police won’t be able to do much in this case, but I don’t think I can leave you alone here either, who knows if the gym leader’s cat will be looking for mice tonight.” His cock twitched again when a new and incredible idea came to his mind, pushing through the top of his pants such that his throbbing cockhead barely became visible. “We may not know each other, but I haven’t failed to notice a cute girl like yourself when you come to the gym, and to tell you the truth, I have been wondering if I could get into your pants at some point, but now….” Illian gripped the stretchable string on his pants and pulled it outwards, letting Jess look directly down at the impressive cock, “… I think you would fit rather nicely in my pants!” He gave her a dark chuckle before suddenly dropping her, making her fall and land flat on his shaft, whereupon he closed the pants again and went to the locker room, enjoying the squirming female who currently was pressed between his muscular lower stomach and hard cock.


Her hopes dropped sharply as the giant spoke, she started to get a real appreciation for the trouble she might be in, her fears seemingly confirmed when she looked down, catching sight of the tip pushing out of those shorts, only to suddenly be dropped, the rim pulled open to give her a good look at the huge and rock-hard cock inside. It got closer and closer before she landed on it with a thud, immediately clinging to it to avoid falling further, she felt it throb under her touch, the small girl whining as she tried to steady herself, as the giant casually walked to the locker room, she started to climb it, trying to get back out of the giant shorts. As she reached the tip she gasped as she felt her hand squelch into the already drooling slit before quickly pulling back, Illian no doubt able to feel the momentary entry. "Ack! H-hey! Let me out of here!"


Illian grouped his balls with one hand and was about to open the door to the men’s locker room when a jolt of orgasmic delight suddenly sent a shiver through his body. “ Mmmhh Aahhhh !” he moaned and stopped. Something that Jess did made him suddenly feel hornier than before and he looked into his pants to see what she was doing. “Well, well, what do I see!” he moaned. “You couldn’t help yourself before I even could return to the locker room, could you?” Illian teased her with a naughty smirk on his lips. “You know that if you just had been your regular size, I would love to push my cock inside you and let your cute pussy swallow it… but seeing as you are now, I think I instead we have to be more creative!” The slimy hand Jess was using to climb onto the top of his cock easily betrayed where it had been. “Since you managed to stick your entire hand inside me, let us see what more of you that can fit, shall we?” Her lack of clothes and flustered face made Jess hot to look upon, and Illian couldn’t help himself, any longer. Having originally fantasied about tasting her pussy and nipples, he lifted her up to his mouth and closed his lips around her soaked arm, savoring it before pulling out again before turning her around to press her sexy feet and legs in. Unable to resist, he pushed Jess all the way up to her thighs. “Yummy!” he mumbled, finally able to live out his fantasy about tasting her sex. He licked and teased her sensitive privates before letting his tongue roll over and lubricate the smooth skin on the rest of her nubile body.


She did not truly grasp what Illian was saying, instead more focused on what he was doing, as she was casually handled and lifted to that handsome face she whined and squirmed as best she could, but she was of course no match for the giant, as those lips parted and took in her arm she groaned, feeling the slimy tongue licking over her body. She thought darkly that he could probably eat her if he wanted, a fear that quickly manifested as she found her entire lower body sliding past those lips, the tongue rolling over her body did indeed feel unique, and as it probed between her legs she started to wiggle more firmly, soon her entire lower half was coated in saliva, slimy and lubricated for what would undoubtedly come next, the previous words just starting to make more sense in her head. "W-wait...what do you mean what more can fit...?" Jess swallowed, knowing it was more likely she was about to be shown than told.


Thick, hot, heavy rolls of saliva poured over the young woman’s hapless form, bathing every inch of her lower part in clinging wetness, as his tongue slithered back and forth across her naked skin, thoroughly extracting her flavor in the sweltering darkness. He stimulated her sex and lapped the tip of his tongue against her before he slowly started to suck her deeper inside, engulfing her hips and belly until he came to her boobs which her gently pressed his lips upon. Said boobs flattened out on her chest as he added more pressure, not hard but enough for him to feel her mammaries in a new way. “You know what Jess? Tasting your boobs at this size, they almost feel like nipples, but just softer!” he mumbled and washed his tongue over them, leaving a trail of warm and gooey before withdrawing and continuing to tease her pussy, playing with it until her moan and pants resulted in a new additional flavor that delighted his taste buds. “Delicious, simply scrumptious Jess! What I say…” *gulp* *Swallow* “is that I wish to see if all of you can fit into my cock!”


Jess couldn't help herself, the feeling of that tongue, those lips, the vibrating hums from that throat, she found herself incredibly aroused, and it wasn't long until she was a moaning mess, actually pushing against the pressing tongue. It didn't take too long, soon she felt her entire body freezing and then starting to twitch as she finally came, adding flavor indeed for the giant to enjoy. She shivered as she could practically feel that swallow on her feet as he gulped down the tasty release. Her mind was so fogged she had actually forgotten her question, and as Illian finally revealed her fate in plain terms she struggled to accept it. "F-fit in your...cock?" She had to say it out loud, twisting her head as best she could she caught sight of that throbbing dick once more suddenly getting really worried.


After having Jess’ orgasm tease his taste buds, Illian pulled her out and let her saliva-soaked body hang in the air from the tip of his fingers. “You look so cute and sexy Jess, too bad you are too small to be laid properly, but I’m feeling confident that my cock will find you satisfying nevertheless!” He poked her boobs with the tip of his finger, caressing them before moving it down to her pussy which he felt an urgent need to tickle. After having satisfied some of his naughty urges, Illian decided to go for it. Which meant that he pushed open the door to the locker room where he sat Jess straddling onto his shaft while stripping off the rest of his clothes. He enjoyed the feeling of having Jess so intimately close, and when he threw away the last of his clothes, he picked her up and felt her body had become slimy from the amount of precum that was oozing from his cock. “There, finished!” he said and posed in front of a large mirror that reflected his muscular body and large cock in a highly favorable light, “Are you ready to become cock meal?” he chuckled darkly.


She was mostly along for the ride at this point, and as she was pulled from the giant's mouth she shivered as she felt the cool air on her once more compared to the hot inside of the giant mouth. She squirmed as best she could, trying to somehow avoid whatever fate Illian had in store for her, she still couldn't quite comprehend what he meant, but she would soon find out. She wiggled weakly as he played with her body, the poor girl feeling a little humiliated as she was toyed with like a doll. As they entered the locker room Jess felt further and further from freedom. The odds someone would find her steadily decreasing. Placed on that thick cock again Jess was forced to contend with the rhythmic throbbing against her as well as the flood of precum soaking into her skin. Mixed with saliva from before, she was getting pretty slick and slimy. She considered taking her chances and jumping off, but she took too long to decide, Illian finishing his stripping. She allowed herself to look into the mirror, the muscular giant showing everything off. She would admit he was really sexy, but given her situation she was hardly able to enjoy the sight fully. "N-no! W-whatever that means!"


“Sorry, no one smaller than ten inches are allowed to vote! Besides, it would be a total waste of perfectly fine woman if a cat should appear and gobble you up, you will be much better off with me… especially inside my balls!” Illian chuckled and reached down to knead his balls gently. Letting go of them, Illian’s hand travelled up to where poor Jess sat and held onto to his manhood and grasped around her body such that Jess was squeezed against his cock. Then he started to masturbate, using her entire body as a toy to sexually stimulate himself, grinding her up and down his shaft until rivers of hot precum drenched his hand and Jess’ body completely. “Ahhhh fuuuuck, this feels so good. I’m so glad you came to the gym today Jess, this will be a great pleasure!” Illian moaned, releasing her before he ran the risk of getting an actual orgasm prematurely. With his cock now standing as thick and tall as he could get, Illian lifted off Jess, pressed her flawless feet and legs together with aid from his fingers and lowered her down to the slit of his cock. A loud moan echoed through the room when he felt her tender feet slip friction less inside him, but Illian had no hurry and decided to pull her in and out, over and over again, but a little deeper for each time. When she was up to her knees in his cock, Illian gave her head a gentle push and pressed her down to her hips. This almost set him off. “Oh FUCK! I think I need to get into the shower before we continue, because you are going to make me cause a big mess soon!” Illian followed up by releasing his grip on her since he felt that she was stuck, and walked into the shower room, causing his cock to slap from side to side and against his stomach for each step he took.


Now she wished she had resolved to make a jump for it, but she was too late, and as that hand wrapped around her, she got a true appreciation for the giant's strength, squishing her into that throbbing flesh, as she was stroked along, she wiggled and squirmed, no doubt only adding to Illian's pleasure. "a-ack! s-stop!" She still didn’t think it was possible to fit inside the massive cock, but as she felt it throbbing on her she knew the giant was certainly going to try. Being so close she could see just how huge he was, starting to think to herself that he might just be right, a deep fear rising in the pit of her stomach. She was casually plucked from that shaft she whined and squirmed in earnest, frustrated at being held like a doll again. Jess was absolutely drenched in precum her red hair matted against her body as she groaned, she was getting pretty exhausted struggling like this, but when she felt her feet slip into that warm wet slit, a jolt of energy shot through her. "o-oh my God, you are actually going to try!" She kicked her feet, but it was too late, already there were slipping deeper, the movements causing a pleasing tingle for the muscular giant. As she was used like sounding rod she struggled the whole way, she knew it was probably only pleasing Illian more, but she couldn't help it. When her hips sank in, Jess knew that actually her whole body might just fit after all, the hungry slit squeezing at her waist as she felt the soft tugging feeling on her lower body. As they moved into the shower she was knocked about as the thick cock swayed, but it didn’t release its grip, even a little. She got a good view of the muscular abs of the giant, watching them rise and fall in heavy breaths from the pleasure, knowing she was nothing more than a toy at this point. "D-damn you...w-when I get out of here im gonna call the cops on you!"


Illian had a hard time responding to her since each time he opened his mouth, the only sound he could produce was another groan, but eventually did he manage to address Jess. “I * pant * don’t think I * moan * will run into too much * Ahhhh * trouble… You see, the police on night patrol tonight * pant * is one of my regular bed followers and * Nngh * she got a hell of a kinky side. So if somebody comes, and that would most certainly be her *fuck* you will only end up seeing her pussy from the inside. Which is a tight and lovely place if I may * fuuck * say so!” Illian spread his legs and grasped his cock. Squeezing his shaft, Illian had no problem feeling Jess’ curvaceous lower body on the inside, it felt like a toy, but far better, and he began to masturbate again. His hand pulled up and down the length of his shaft, occasionally pushing Jess a bit further out, only to have his cock suck her deeper inside again the next time he pulled down. He continued like this for several minutes and spoke to Jess as she slowly sank deeper inside his sex. “Jess, you know what? You are giving my shaft a rather sexy set of feminine bulges, have a look.” He moaned and turned toward one of the many mirrors in the shower, giving her a sideway look on his shaft such that she could see the result for herself, which was a lot since the next part of her to slip inside would be her wobbling boobs.


Jess groaned as she was treated to this humiliation. She could hardly believe what she was hearing and she started to feel her hops sinking further. similarly, her body was steadily sinking too, deeper and deeper into that throbbing cock, as the slit started to press under her breasts she grits her teeth, groaning at the pressure before they suddenly sank in with a wet squelch, the slit hungrily sliding up to her neck. As she caught sight of her shape in the mirror, she kicked and squirmed, making only the smallest movements under the taut skin of Illian's cock. She flailed her head about, even as the tight slit moved up around her neck, the poor girl about to be turned into nothing more than a bulge in the giant cock...and soon that heavy sack would grow heavier with the weight of a previously full-size girl. "Y-you can't do this! L-let me out!" it would only take one more hard flex, one more purposeful throb and the girl would be gone, she looked up over the expanse of the giant's muscular body one more time. "P-please?"


Illian looked at her pleading face and gave her a reassuring look. “Alright, I will let you out… later” and then, powerful contracting muscles in his cock pulled the last of Jess’ head inside, leaving only her arms and precum soaked hair before being sucked up like spaghetti. With the tiny girl fully inside him, Illian turned to the mirror to admire himself and his now curvaceous cock while gently stroking it. The cock made rhythmical contractions, swallowing her ever deeper like a snake swallowing its prey, it didn’t go fast but he was in no hurry either. Illian was actually so lost in his own ecstasy that he didn’t notice the presence of another human before the person coughed seducing, prompting him to turn around. “What the fuck? Jill?” he said, facing the female cop he just had mentioned to Jess a few minutes ago. “What are you doing here?” Jill, a highly busty and beautiful police woman who would have done a better job posing in a magazine, stared at him with a naughty smile before she decided to answer him. “I was told to come her and look for a girl who hasn’t showed up home yet. Her name is Jess, a pale young woman with long red hair and a moderate chest, have you seen her?” she asked and strolled into the shower, fortunately not noticing the bulging shaft since Illian quickly clenched around it and squeezed the missing woman into his balls. “Nope, and if she had been here, you would probably caught us in a rather compromising position right now!” he smiled, “As you can see, I’m all alone…. Technically not entirely alone with you here. Are you busy later tonight perhaps?” Jill went forward, grasped his cock and started to rub it. “Yes, do you want to drop by perhaps?” Illian felt his balls became heavier and hoped Jill wouldn’t touch or look at them yet. Jess was squirming wonderful inside and he would soon need to release her, in one form or another.


Being helplessly trapped, Jess let out one final desperate shriek before her head was sucked down and inside Illian's throbbing cock, her arms flailed about, trying to find anything to grab onto before another flex yanked them from the cool outside world as well. Inside Jess was crushed on all sides by the slimy walls of the throbbing passage, the doomed girl struggling and squirming desperately. Her motions actually managing to make the giant shaft sway a little, that was all though, as each hungry flex of that shaft tugged her down deeper and deeper, her feet starting to slip free of that shaft as she neared the base. She could hardly believe what was happening, she was actually sliding down someone's cock! She could hear another voice and hope surged within her, the girl squirming and shouting loudly before Illian gripped over his cock, silencing her muffled whines for a moment and also quickly stuffing her away, the girl shrieking as she slipped down and landed with a release of pressure and a slosh of cum in those heavy balls. If the other woman cared to look she would see some rather strange and moving bulged rolling around in Illian's balls, or if she cared to look in the mirror, the girl pulled down from that throbbing cock just as her hand wrapped around it, Jess still hidden for now. Within she was repeatedly submerged and tossed about in the churning sack, the thick cum clinging to her like glue as she sputtered and squirmed, her movement no doubt giving Illian a very pleasant tingling feeling. "m-mmfh! l-let me out!"


Illian moaned as the woman teased his cock until the point where he was afraid that he would give her a stain on her uniform that would be a pain in the ass to excuse or her superiors. “Jill, you know that if you continue like this, you will make me cum all over you!” “I know,” she replied, “You usually do that when you can’t get your fat cock inside my pussy in time…. Maybe I can spare you a short moment now since we are alone?” Jill pouted her pink lips. “I would hate to see you spend all of your cum in the men’s shower after this, THAT would be a complete waste of fresh cum!” Illian gave her a smirk, “Fresh indeed.”

The female police officer hurried to open her blue shirt, revealing a pair of heavy boobs in a small, ornamented bra and crouched down before him. Illian kept his balls hidden from Jill’s view by cupping them, making Jess’ squirm unseen.

A pair of soft lips kissed his slimy cockhead, Jill was in love with his cock and had told him that several times. After teasing hi with a couple of kisses, she gaped wide and began to swallow his cock. It was an impressive feat, but the woman had plenty of experience and bit by bit, his cock disappeared into her throat. She gagged and cough up slimy strings of precum, but before long, her entire neck bulged because of the space occupied from his cock. Illian was then given a thrilling blowjob. Jill pumped his cock with her mouth, and the longer the cop continued, the harder it became for Illian to hold back, but he did a valiant attempt to keep his “crime” to himself. It was nerve-wracking in more than one way, to have your sexy cop-friend sucking your cock while a missing person was hidden away just under her gaze. The never-ending churning of his sex had Illian in a constant state of horniness that clouded his brain, and when he began to play with Jill’s bra, reminding him that he had to get rid off Jess’ clothes, or maybe he should keep them as a reminder? The girl had worn a cute string and a pretty bra before she shrunk out of them! Illian started to tremble, he couldn’t hold back his orgasm for long, but fortunately was Jess’ form starting to soften so much that he could release the grip he had on his balls and let them slap against Jill’s chin instead.


Jess was left to ride out the experience as the giant cock above her was sucked like a lollipop. Inside his churning balls Jess as slowly starting to succumb, she sputtered and shouted, if Illian cared to take a look he would see the cute form of a girl bulging out his sack and every so slowly starting to smooth over as his balls started to swell with fresh cum. "W-what is...happening to me...!" For her part Jess was quickly collapsing now, left at the mercy of those hefty balls as the walls squeezed and rubbed over her, almost as if testing how solid she still was. "w-wait I-gbbrlbe..." Jess's shouting was quickly drowned out by sloshing and churning noises as her body started to collapse into nothing but cum. As Illian release his grip on his balls, he might catch the last few glimpses and feels of that bulge in his sack, a few solid bits waiting to be kneaded down. Jess's last sensations being the rhythmic sloshing of the swollen balls as the giant began to stroke himself yet again.


As Jess’ body turned into cum, his balls stretched almost painfully wide. Who would have thought that little Jess could be so filling? Illian’s worry went from the thought of prematurely releasing an undigested Jess down a throat to not being able to get his pants back on because of the size of his inflated balls. But this would fortunately not be a problem, Illian grasped the cop’s blond head and plowed his cock as deep as he could, squeezing his balls at her skin when the earth-shattering orgasm hit him. He howled in ecstasy as he released the biggest load of all time inside her. The poor woman was unprepared for the onslaught and her eyes bulged in surprise as the part of his thick, steamy cum that didn’t went straight to her stomach, shot out from her nose and past her sealed lips. Her gurgling whimpers and attempts to remove herself from his cock went unanswered, Illian’s grip on her head was too strong and se was forced to devour his entire load. The warm and gooey remains of Jess’ cumified body, filled the cop who came looking for her, and the rest flowed over his cock where it slipped off in long, slimy strings that fell into Jill’s cleavage. When he had told Jess that he would let her out later, he hadn’t thought it would be that soon.

When the flood of cum had ended, Illian pulled out from Jill’s neck, leaving her gasping for air as she tried not to choke on the thick bubbles of cum that erupted from her mouth. “That was awesome, Jill, thanks!” Illian panted. “I still got enough for another round tonight when you shift is over, do you want me to cum over to your place and continue there?”

“You are a fucking bull, Illian!” she growled, coughing up another string of cum. “But yes, it is unfair that only you got an orgasm out of this, you ow me one, a really big one after this!” Jill stood up and went to the sink to wash her face. “Making me swallow that amount of cum without warning is almost criminal you know!”

“I know…” Illian smiled, thinking that he should give her Jess’ lingerie as a present tonight. Knowing that the missing-person description wouldn’t include the underwear and Illian would at the same time get rid of some of the evidence and the last of the liquified remains of Jess that still occupied his balls. After all, Illian liked to think of himself as an environmental-friendly guy and reuse is the most eco-friendly way to deal with disposed things!
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