Miranda Caldwell is given a simple task: Her brother's old models have been taking up too much space in the basement, and they need to be thrown away. Naturally, they're too big to just be tossed into the trash bins, so they need to be broken down first. A mostly mundane task to almost anyone. But Miranda, a closeted macrophile with an active and vivid imagination, plans to use this golden opportunity as a chance to live some of her secret fantasies.
Miranda Caldwell的哥哥要求她帮忙处理掉仓库中太占空间的模型,这些模型需要被扔掉,但是它们直接扔进垃圾桶就太大了,所以首先要先破坏掉才行,这或许对于其他人而言,是一个无聊的事情,但是对于Miranda Caldwell而言,利用她丰富的想象力和不为人知的小秘密,就变得不一样了